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What We Do

The traditional education system is suffocating creativity. In many schools the standard has become for students to be disengaged, distracted, and disconnected.

We knew that a change needed to be made in order to meet the needs of students. So we started putting creativity to work, and it’s working.

Here's how we're using action sports to change education.

Creativity through board design.

One of our core values is creativity, and we work hard to bring it into the process of crafting boards and riding them. Boundaries are broken through creativity, and we designed our program as a new way of meeting students needs. 

Learning is the goal.

Students have been conditioned to chase grades at the expense of long-term knowledge retention. We've changed this by prioritizing learning as the primary goal, equipping students with skills and knowledge that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Encouraging failure.

Our program is a place where students learn to embrace failure. Students gain insight and problem solving skills through learning how to work through failure. This translates both in building boards and learning skills to use them.

Process over product.

We prioritize mastering the process, confident that a well-understood process naturally creates a product students will be proud of. 


Our program prepares students with skills and knowledge that will be carried with them throughout their lives. Here are some of the outcomes your students will walk away with,

Students learn hard skills.

Our students walk away with knowledge of the processes of building boards which gives them skills in operating tools and shop competencies.

Students gain soft skills.

Through the design of the Gone Boarding class many soft skills naturally develop among our students. Creative problem solving, collaboration, and courage are consistent focuses.

Functional Art.

One of the most rewarding aspects of our program is students are able to walk away with a handcrafted board that they are able to ride and use throughout their lives!

Exposure to Career Pathways.

Through our partnerships our students are exposed to several different career opportunities, and have a chance to explore them. 

Lifelong Fitness Habits.

Through Gone Boarding students learn about the boards they're building and how they can function as a way to be active. Many students develop a love for action sports and make them a part of their lifestyle after our program.





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